What You Cannot Afford To Ignore When Painting Your Home’s Exteriors

So, you have finally made up your mind to get started on that home exterior painting project you have always been contemplating on. You have everything ready. You’ve hired the most experienced exterior painting service providers, invested in quality paints and set aside time off your busy schedule to ensure you can easily supervise the problem.

To a large extent, you are certain nothing will go amiss. Well, don’t be so sure! The worst can happen when you least expect. Not because you didn’t make room for dealing with the unexpected event but because you simply ignored a few basics. So with that in mind, be extremely keen on the following areas as you paint your house’s exterior surfaces.


The roof

You may not have noticed it yet but the roof is always the most visible part of any home. It has to be aesthetically appealing. That mean painting it or any of its fixtures is a preserve of someone who understands the intricacies of exterior painting. The whole process goes beyond just choosing colors for the roof that can blend the walls. First off, you have to ensure the roof fixtures get painted. That is, the chimneys, skylights and sun beam tunnels should not in any way be damaged by the painting process. Paint the chimney in a color that blends well with the walls. As for the skylights and sunbeam tunnels, the least you can do is to ensure they are well protected from stains and damage during the project.


Windows are pretty much like your roof as far as visibility is concerned. Painting the window is also tricky just as it is often the case with the roof. What most painters don’t know is the fact that your window pane and window seal don’t have to match. You can always go for a blend of light colors or even dark ones depending on the type of your house or the theme you want to execute.


They come in different shapes and sizes. Not so with the color. You decide the color. You change it when you want to. That may sound easy, but it isn’t. More often than not, coming up with the right color for the door is often tricky. That is mainly because you have to consider other factors like the door type, door frame and even the knobs. One color may be ideal for your garage door but not ideal for the main door. What’s more, you have to go for a color that will be easy on your home’s interior as well as exterior. The last thing you would want is a blue door on the inside and a green one on the outside.

Patio and balcony

Any place where you wish to entertain yourself or your guests should be welcoming. It should also be easy on the eyes. That is why you are allowed to go for a different color for your patio and balcony. This happens to be a new trend, but a good one all the same. Don’t be afraid to explore your creativity here.


This is where things often get tricky. Painting textures is never an easy thing. It is in fact, one area that often calls for experts. You can’t paint on a texture. You simply come up with the texture. Do not at any point think it is a matter of adding some paint to the sand or purchasing the right texture products. Executing the whole idea is often an uphill task. The best you can do is to let a professional do it for you with the right painting techniques as well as the appropriate color.

Outdoor furniture

It is easy to ignore them but they also count. They may not be as demanding as other areas are, but make no mistake about it. A simple mishap such as the wrong choice of color can easily ruin the external appearance of your home. So be sure to go for the ‘mix and match’ effect. The best way to go about painting the furniture is to match them with the roof color. You may also consider matching them with your doors and windows. Then while at it, be sure to also consider siding as well as your flower pots.

The paint

The paint you choose to use for the project can easily determine the entire project’s success or failure. Your exterior painting contractor will tell you for a fact that technology advancements have impacted house painting today in a good way. You can buy paints that don’t require you to apply primer or undercoat. You can also buy paint that can dry within a day. Better yet, you can buy eco-friendly and side effect free paints. Well, choosing can be hard, but with expert residential painters in Toronto by your side, making an informed decision on what to go for should be a breeze!

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