Finding A Perfect Paint Color MixWhen you are preparing to paint your home interiors, you need to first devise a plan. Sometimes if you are moving to a new home and will buy your furniture and fitting as new, you have a free range of colors to choose from to create your ideal color plan. On the other hand if you are painting around existing furniture and fittings, you should aim to choose your colors to complement the furniture and fittings that you already have to produce a pleasing effect.
The use of classic gray
Many people may be surprised to hear that painting experts often advise using a grey paint as they think that gray is a dreary dull color and that it should never be used. The trick when painting is using smart color combinations and combining gray with white can have a quite stunning and pleasing effect as it radiates light. A second big plus for gray is that it is a highly complementary color that sits easily with other colors as it is effectively neutral. Many experts recommend that you experiment with light gray, white and peacock blue combinations for great effect.
Bedroom colors matching your family preferences
Perhaps no other room encourages lively debate about what colors should be used than the bedrooms. There is no one color that should always be used as the choice is naturally totally personal, however some good tips can be given. First of all consider the dimensions of the room you are planning to paint. Essentially the smaller the room, the more confined it will seem as you use darker or even darker colors.
Another contributing factor is how much natural light comes into the room, which direction does it face? The more natural light or sunlight that comes in will allow you to use darker colors if you prefer this choice. White walls in bedrooms are often not the best choice, however if you plan to furnish the bedroom with dark wood or rustic style furniture white can offset the furniture and fittings very well.
If you have children and they want bright vivid wall colorings this should acceptable to you as a parent. One thing to bear in mind is that if you plan to paint with lighter or different colors in the future when your children ask to redecorate or even move away from home you will need to apply more coats to cover the darker previous colors.
Kitchen colors and paint type
Good advice for kitchen colors from home designers it to keep the colors light, this gives the kitchen the appearance of being as big possible and also allows all the entire light be it natural or from lighting sources to get into the kitchen. This is important as good lighting is essential to help you when preparing or cooking food. You should consider the colors that you want to use in combination with any tiling that you plan to fit to your kitchen walls so that any color combinations are complementary and pleasing to the eye. Make sure that you kitchen wall paint is easily washable without causing damage particularly in areas where the walls can suffer from splashing or staining.
Warming your living room up
This is not just about having radiators and even an open fire in your living room, this is not what creates a feeling of warmth. If you decide that you prefer to have darker wooden floors or even red tiles you could go for a medium yellow color for the walls of your living room and a white ceiling to generate a feeling of warmth and light. Should you decide to carpet your living room you might decide to use light colors such as a light gray or a gray green mix that offsets perfectly with a yellow based wall color. The good advice is to choose a pastel shade that is from a medium yellow rather than lemon base for best effect. As with other rooms in your house the choice of furniture you have made for your living room will have a direct impact on the wall colors that you should go for.
White utility rooms
Why would white be the right color for your utility rooms? The reason is actually quite simple, utility rooms are intended to be functional rather than aesthetically pleasing. White walls mean that the maximum amount of light is available either from the lights in the room or natural light coming through the windows.
Another good reason why white is the best choice for your utility rooms is that any build-up of mold in rooms like the laundry room can be spotted easily and dealt with quickly before the problem spreads. Use washable white paint in rooms that could be subject to humidity so that you can wipe the walls down quickly and easily retting rid of dirt and grime.
If you need help with painting your house, do not hesitate to contact us. We are well established painters in Newmarket who can offer you a great painting job at affordable rates.
When you are preparing to paint your home interiors, you need to first devise a plan. Sometimes if you are moving to a new home and will buy your furniture and fitting as new, you have a free range of colors to choose from to create your ideal color plan. On the other hand if you are painting around existing furniture and fittings, you should aim to choose your colors to complement the furniture and fittings that you already have to produce a pleasing effect.
The use of classic gray
Many people may be surprised to hear that painting experts often advise using a grey paint as they think that gray is a dreary dull color and that it should never be used. The trick when painting is using smart color combinations and combining gray with white can have a quite stunning and pleasing effect as it radiates light. A second big plus for gray is that it is a highly complementary color that sits easily with other colors as it is effectively neutral. Many experts recommend that you experiment with light gray, white and peacock blue combinations for great effect.
Bedroom colors matching your family preferences
Perhaps no other room encourages lively debate about what colors should be used than the bedrooms. There is no one color that should always be used as the choice is naturally totally personal, however some good tips can be given. First of all consider the dimensions of the room you are planning to paint. Essentially the smaller the room, the more confined it will seem as you use darker or even darker colors.
Another contributing factor is how much natural light comes into the room, which direction does it face? The more natural light or sunlight that comes in will allow you to use darker colors if you prefer this choice. White walls in bedrooms are often not the best choice, however if you plan to furnish the bedroom with dark wood or rustic style furniture white can offset the furniture and fittings very well.
If you have children and they want bright vivid wall colorings this should acceptable to you as a parent. One thing to bear in mind is that if you plan to paint with lighter or different colors in the future when your children ask to redecorate or even move away from home you will need to apply more coats to cover the darker previous colors.
Kitchen colors and paint type
Good advice for kitchen colors from home designers it to keep the colors light, this gives the kitchen the appearance of being as big possible and also allows all the entire light be it natural or from lighting sources to get into the kitchen. This is important as good lighting is essential to help you when preparing or cooking food. You should consider the colors that you want to use in combination with any tiling that you plan to fit to your kitchen walls so that any color combinations are complementary and pleasing to the eye. Make sure that you kitchen wall paint is easily washable without causing damage particularly in areas where the walls can suffer from splashing or staining.
Warming your living room up
This is not just about having radiators and even an open fire in your living room, this is not what creates a feeling of warmth. If you decide that you prefer to have darker wooden floors or even red tiles you could go for a medium yellow color for the walls of your living room and a white ceiling to generate a feeling of warmth and light. Should you decide to carpet your living room you might decide to use light colors such as a light gray or a gray green mix that offsets perfectly with a yellow based wall color. The good advice is to choose a pastel shade that is from a medium yellow rather than lemon base for best effect. As with other rooms in your house the choice of furniture you have made for your living room will have a direct impact on the wall colors that you should go for.
White utility rooms
Why would white be the right color for your utility rooms? The reason is actually quite simple, utility rooms are intended to be functional rather than aesthetically pleasing. White walls mean that the maximum amount of light is available either from the lights in the room or natural light coming through the windows.
Another good reason why white is the best choice for your utility rooms is that any build-up of mold in rooms like the laundry room can be spotted easily and dealt with quickly before the problem spreads. Use washable white paint in rooms that could be subject to humidity so that you can wipe the walls down quickly and easily retting rid of dirt and grime.
If you need help with painting your house, do not hesitate to contact us. We are well established painters in Newmarket who can offer you a great painting job at affordable rates.